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Budget and Transparency Reporting


Section 18 (2) of the Public Act 94 of 1979, The State School Aid Act, has been amended, which requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website within 30 days after a board adopts it annual operating budget or any subsequent revision to that budget. The Annual Budget & Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate our community on how we utilize the resources that are provided to us.
The following information is required to be posted on our website:
  1. The annual operating budget and subsequent budget revisions.
  2. Using data that has already been collected and submitted to the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), a summary of district or intermediate district expenditures for the most recent fiscal year for which they are available, expressed in the following two (2) pie charts which were provided for the general fund of the district or intermediate district by the Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI).
    1. A chart of personal expenditures broken down into the following subcategories:
      1. Salary and Wages
      2. Employee benefit costs, including, but not limited to, medical, dental, vision, life, disability, and long term benefits.
      3. Retirement benefits costs
      4. All other personnel costs
    2. A chart of all district expenditures, broken into the following subcategories:
      1. Instruction
      2. Support Services
      3. Business and Administration
      4. Operations and Maintenance
  3. Links to all of the following:
    1. The current collective bargaining agreement for each bargaining unit
    2. Each health care benefits plan, including, but not limited to, medical, dental, vision, disability, long-term care, or any other type of benefits that would constitute health care services, offered to any bargaining unit or employee in the district.
    3. The audit report report of the audit conducted for the most recent fiscal year for which it is available.
  4. The total salary and a description and cost of each fringe benefit included in the compensation package for the superintendent of the district or the intermediate district and for each employee of the district whose salary exceeds $100,000
  5. The annual amount spent on dues paid to associations
  6. The annual amount spent on lobbying services
Section 1 - Annual Operating Budget and Subsequent Revisions
Section 2a and 2b - Summary of Expenditures - Expressed in Pie Charts
Section 3a, 3b and 3c - Listing of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, Health Care Plans and Audit Report

Section 4 - Salary Benefit Description of Superintendent and Employees with Salary Exceeding $100,000.

Section 5 - Annual Amount Spent on Dues Paid to Associations
Section 6 - Annual Amount Spent on Lobbying or Lobbying Services
  • None

Section 7 - Approved Deficit Elimination Plan

  • The District has not incurred a deficit

Section 8 - District Credit Card Information

Section 9 - District Paid Out-of-State Travel Information

  • There was no out-of-state travel to report in 2023-2024

Training on Delivery, Access and Use of Virtual Content 

Evaluation Assurances

35j Professional Development Grant

  • K-5th grade Core Reading Program-McGraw-Hill Wonders 2023
  • Benchmark Assessments: NWEA, Acadience 

98c Learning Loss Plan