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Thank you for visiting the Morrice Area Schools website! As the proud superintendent of Morrice Area Schools, I would like to take a moment to share some of the amazing developments happening at our institution.

Through surveys and focus groups, the Community of Morrice played an integral role in developing a five-year strategic plan. In the spring of 2022, the Morrice Board of Education passed a resolution to support this plan. Four goal areas were established: Teaching and Learning, Sustainability, Community/Communication and Technology/Facilities & Infrastructure. This shared vision serves as the guiding principle for all decisions made at Morrice Area Schools.

Thanks to the support of the Morrice Community, we successfully passed a $7 million bond renewal in August 2023 to enhance security, learning environments, and infrastructure. The first phase of the bond work was completed during the summer of 2024. This phase included the installation of air conditioning, refinished gym floors, new building signs, improved vestibules, and updated security systems.

As we begin the 2024-2025 school year, Morrice Area Schools will be entering the third year of a new K-12 math and English Language Arts (ELA) program. These initiatives, combined with the dedicated efforts of our professional staff, have resulted in significant improvements in state assessments and on the School Index Report.

We have added additional programming and staff to support our MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) and PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) to ensure that we are addressing the needs of the whole child.  Furthermore, we have increased our CTE, dual enrollment, and online learning options.  

The staff at Morrice Area Schools is committed to transparency and effective communication. The school district has established intentional communication systems to ensure that the community, parents, staff, and students are regularly informed of important information.

As a staff retention measure, the Board of Education has ensured that our staff members are compensated competitively within our region. This approach helps to recruit and retain the best teachers.

Morrice Area Schools remains fiscally responsible by prioritizing the needs of our students and staff while continuing to grow our district's cash reserve (fund balance).

As you can see, Morrice Area Schools is a unique institution with remarkable student-centered initiatives underway. As always, I am readily available if you have any district matters you would like to discuss.

Go Orioles

Rob Pouch, Superintendent 

Rob Pouch Superintendent



Mr. Robert Pouch